Change is Possible
Small actions x lots of people
= big change
donate us
According to India’s National Crime Records Bureau, since 1994, a farmer commits suicide every 41 minutes. Once in your life, you need a Teacher, Doctor, and a Businessman.
But every day, three times a day, you need a FARMER.
Can we do something to save Farmers”, So, Adopt a Farmer
Your annual gift of Rs.6000 per year will give your sponsored farmer for purchase of seeds, agricultural implements, purchase of cows & buffaloes, water and land management to produce organic foods
As a sponsor, you’ll be able to see your impact first-hand through letters, photos, and videos from your farmer. You can visit your farmers to review their self-sustainable ideas, provide creatives ideas for sustainable agriculture.
Questions? Call +9a 9937381255, chat and send an email to

- Sitaram Pradhan aged about 68 is a habitant of Hinjaligam coming under Pitatali Gram panchayata. His prime income comes from Agriculture. He has two acre of land. His livelihood depends upon Agriculture viz. main crop paddy and secondary crop is vegetable. He is the only bread earner of the family and because of lack of resources his income get effected and impacts the basic living of whole house. Donate him to get the required resources for the primery work and give a basic living condition to a family.
- Ranjan, 30-year-old young man, hailing from Bhairapur village in Patrapur block, Ganjam district. Due to low income in paddy cultivation, he shifted to cultivate vegetables and needs your support to have a basic living.

- Kamala Mallick aged about 46 a farmer from Jharapalli. A remote village under Govinda nagar panchayata of Chikiti block, Ganjam district. More than 20 households are belonging to schedule tribe.
As per the availability of water in Nakamudia village and Ambajhola village farmers have been cultivated paddy in Rabi season. 5 households of Nakamudia village 1 farmers from ambjhola village got seed support from agriculture Dept. and handhold support from VIEWS, to cultivate paddy in rabi season. They followed some of the steps to improve agricultural practices like seed treatment, raise bed line transplantation and three times weeding. Donate her to keep the good work going.

What is child sponsorship?
From childhood to young adulthood, our child sponsorship program equips kids with crucial life and job skills to break the cycle of poverty.
Your monthly gift of Rs.600 will give your sponsored child access to life-changing benefits, like educational support, life skills job training before graduation and medical care. As a sponsor, you’ll be able to see your impact first hand through letters and photos from your child. You can even visit!
Questions? Call +9a 9937381255, chat and send an email to
“Children’s sponsorship gives inner satisfies to my soul. You can feel and experience the every movement” – R.G.Michael

Pinki Alda, 13 lives in the urban slum of Bhubaneswar which is just behind the most popular
and desirable institution and destination Kalinga institute of information and technologies KIIT. She got drop out from a hostel cum school in Cuttack and now continuing her study in Chyesta school as it’s the only option she has left with. She has a brother and a mother who she finds ill all the time as they have got habituated of local Alcohol lassi which is made up of fermented rice. Her father poisoned himself because of the stress of daily living. Her mother has TB and she is also an alcoholic addict and there is no one to earn for the meals. They get food or some money from begging which they use to get lassi.
I feel loved in school says Pinki. But can’t survive to continue as she is not able to get food to eat on a daily basis.
Adopt her by donating for her school and daily living which is 6000 per month to save a life and be a satisfied changemaker to see a new life.
Maheswar Pingwa 12 year old, use to be in 5th standard in his home town jamuma rai, Dhankanal district. His family migrated because of the poor work options in the village. Now they live in Jalimunda slum of Bhubaneswar and his father works as daily wage labour.
Now he studies in 3rd standard as because he lost his leaving certificate from the earlier school and because of that no formal school is willing to get him admitted.
“I love to be in school and play tennis in Anganwadi centre,” says Maheswar. Support him to get the basic living and get enrol in the next admission year to a formal school setting and give wings to a bright future.

Anita Degi , 12 year and the eldest in 4 siblings so she already hold a lot of responsibility of taking care of other siblings, household chores and going out to collect firewoods. In all this, she manages to come to school because she likes to study and her favorite subject is English. She says” I want to learn English to understand what other talks in this language”. Support her schooling so that she can live her dream.
- Sumitra Chatra, 10, studies in 1st standard and she have 2 brothers younger to her goes to slum Anganwadi. She works with her mother to do a household chore and send her brothers to Anganwadi and come to her school. She loves to draw and make pictures which she gets to make in school hours as she doesn’t get the time to do that in home because of work load.
- She wants to paint a lot and you can be the one to support her to enjoy her best thing by supporting her schooling. So, that she can come school and don’t need to be worried fee and the school.

Poverty in India: Kids growing up in poverty in India face many grim issues, such as very poor hygienic conditions that lead to chronic illnesses, difficulty in finding jobs due to lack of ability to get even basic skills or training, and poor educational experiences that start very young. That’s why we focus on providing access to medical and dental care, hygiene programs to stay healthy, a wide offering of career programs to prepare youth to find jobs, scholarships and early childhood development programs to bridge crucial gaps.
Your INR 600 monthly gift supports
1. A safe place, like community-based education centers in rural and urban slums
2. A caring team of local staff and volunteers
3. A path out of poverty through life-changing programs
You can make changes to your monthly giving anytime. Please contact our Sponsorship Team to adjust, delay or cancel. And because we’ve made a commitment that we’ll be a part of our kids’ lives until they graduate, your sponsored child will continue to receive benefits from the program, and we will work to find a new sponsor as soon as possible
School Adoption refers to a significant partnership between a school and a multi-stakeholders such as a business, corporates, or civic organization. The focus of the partnership is on identifying and solving problems that affect the quality of education and which the school and the government may not be in a position to remedy without external assistance. Importantly, the process provides an opportunity for community-based organizations to become actively involved in increasing and sustaining the quality of public education
The Adopt-a-School not only impacts on the lives and development of the learners in adopted schools but also on the quality of education and the sustainability of the school for generations to come. School Adoption is about creating a long-term meaningful partnership which, while providing schools with vital educational resources, empowers school and community partners to sustain and build on your investment.
Benefits of adoption: The benefits of adoption include:
Improved school-community relations
An improved corporate image
Better quality education
More educated workforce
Who can adopt?
VIEWS NGOs thanks all our partners who continue to contribute to the education system. We are always seeking partners who wish to adopt a school however they must meet certain criteria before we can accept their donation. Adopters may include:
Old Student
A public or private sector company
A social organization
Community members
An individual.
Children with visual impairments face disproportionate challenges in learning and by the time they reach college, they are significantly under-represented in science, mathematics and other disciplines. In all the blind schools for the visually challenged in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh, students continue their struggle to learn not only without sight but also without text books. So the visually challenged students are mostly left to the mercy of teachers and a few notes handed over by their seniors. The problem is not limited to schools alone as the handful few that make it to higher institutions of earning continue to face the dearth of text books.
As an Audio Volunteer, you’ll be able to see the impact of visually challenge students. You can even visit!
Know how it feels from the ones who did it.
Prof. Prasant Bhuyan, President of Odisha Assocaition for the Blind, Bhubabaneswar:
“Every visually impaired student has the right to access education. We thank the team and all those who have contributed for making this project a successful one. The audio books will certianly help bridge the gap between visually impaired students and education. We request VIEWS to create more audio books for higher education and establish a odia blind student-friendly website and andoid app to reach all the students at any time“.
Mrs. Minati Singa, Senior Journalist, Times of India :
The visually impaired students have been facing multiple challenges time and again due to unavaialability of text books. I am happy to learnabout the use of technology to make their learning more convenient. However, the students should be equipped with other supporting devices too if we want them to realy make use of the audio books
Mr. Kumar Manish, UNFPA, Bhubaneswar :
Technology has helped us crossed many obstracles and it is wondeful to see how this has helped us overcome the barriers between education and visual impairdness. I would want all the students to make use of the audio books to achieve the their their goals in life.
Questions? Call +9a 9937381255, chat and send an email to
Headmaster of blind school shared that“We were no very sure of what the event was about when we reached the programme here but after being handed over the audio book kits , it seems that education for blind has reached a whole new level and technology has helped us break so many hurdles. Listening to books has become as easy as listening to any song, anywhere. It is amazing and Iam sure my students will love it“.
Ruchi Mishra,Student, Utkal University shared that“It was a wonderful experience to record the audio books and contribute towards education enhancement among the blind students. I am really greatful for the opportunity provided to me for this noble initative. This initative motivated me and my friends to be active citizens and contribute for promotion of inclusive education.
